How it works

How it works.

Thank you for wanting to order from New Roots Haiti.

Place an Order

find the products that you like and place an order. We try our best to keep our website updated with what we have in stock, but stock levels constantly change and occasionally we will be out of items that you may order.

Filling Orders 

We do our best to get your order as close to what you ordered as possible. We usually try and get within a pound of what you have ordered, but since every piece of meat is already prepared we can’t fulfill exact sizes.

Billing Address

The website will ask you for one. Don’t worry about it, we can’t remove these boxes from our commerce package. Billing is done in Haiti and NOT online.

Filling your order

When you place an order online we receive it here in our office. The first thing we do is transfer the order into our own database and create an “order”. Next we take the order and fulfill it. We gather your meat, put it into a plastic bag, record the weights, and then update your order into an invoice. When it is time for deliveries we get the prepared orders out of the freezer, put them into coolers, strap them to the motorcycle, collect the invoices and then head out.

Real Meat

Our chickens are not cookie cutters. Some will be bigger some will be smaller. We do our best to maintain a level of consistency in packaging, but please understand that no two chickens are the same.

First Delivery

If your a new customer we will call you usually within 2 days to set up a time for delivery. Once we have delivered to your location it will be much easier and quicker for reoccurring deliveries to occur.


Our goal is to get you your order as quickly as possible. Sometimes this is same day, sometimes it takes 2-3 days.


Our delivery driver does not carry exact change. Making change all day long would be a huge bottleneck in our operation. Since nearly all of our customers are repeat customers we maintain balances for each customer.
For Example lets say your order was $22.48. We are perfectly happy if you pay us $20 when we deliver your meat. The remaining balance of $2.48 will then be added to your next purchase.

It also works the other way. If your total was $18.50 and you gave us $20 then $1.50 would be deducted from your next purchase.

Our intent with this system is to make it as simple and quick to pay for your order.


We are happy to extend credit for your orders up to 30 days. Our goal is to get the meat from us to you, and often times you are busy! We may miss you during the delivery. In that case we are happy to just get paid the next time we deliver.

Payment Forms

Our billing system is in USD. However we will accept payment in Haitien Gourde’s or USD. Our exchange rate is based off the the Unibanks website. We check it each day and update our billing system.

We accept Checks as well, both US checks and local checks, in both USD and Gourdes. If you would like to write a check for your order please contact us and we will provide the name for whom to write the check to.