Our Products

From our local pastures to you table.

  • Chicken Chicken
  • Beef Beef
  • Pork Pork
  • Clothing Clothing
  • Specials Specials
  • Haiti Made Haiti Made

Why Choose Us

100% Natural

Our animals are raised on pasture without the use of any Antibiotics, Hormones, or Vaccines.  

Premium Quality

Our animals are respected from the day the enter our farm.  We give them proper and adequate space combined with a low stress environments.  The result is tender, flavor full, unadulterated meat.  

Always Fresh

With the advantage of the year round growing season in Haiti.  We don't keep meat long in freezers, but rather try and keep a stock of animals ready to be butchered.  This means that at various times we may be out of certain products, but usually within no more than a few weeks we will have them back in stock.

Super Healthy

Animals raised on pasture have significantly higher values of vitamins in them than animals raised on feed lots and in confinement.