About Us

Our Mission Statement

New Roots Haiti is dedicated to empowering parents to care for their families through education, employment, and nutrition assistance.

The farm was founded in 2016 with the intent to create economic development within the community of Chiron.  

It is our goal to create, process, and distribute some of the finest Chicken, Pork and Beef in Northern Haiti. 

The Cap Haitien valley has been producing primarily sugar cane for the past few hundred years.  This has led to degradation of the farm land, and consequently makes it difficult to grow several other crops.  Our method of farming not only produces excellent tasting meat, but also is restoring abused farm land.  Within only a few years we will have some of the most fertile pastures in the valley, capable of producing both crops and animals.  


Our methods of husbandry are based on constant movement.  Rather than put animals inside, we put them on pasture and move them around the farm.  The chickens and cows are moved every day across the pasture, the pigs are moved weekly or when they have worn down a section of land.  This constant movement allows for healthy animals, the spreading of the manure (fertilizer) across the pasture.  When animals are raised in confinement, or left in the same spaces bacteria and viruses can grown and spread.  The constant movement allows for health animals and eliminates the need for us to use vaccines, antibiotics, and growth hormones.  Our animal are 100% natural.